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State-by-State Assessment of Personal Finance Education Standards
State Department of Education Link
Stand-Alone Personal Finance Standards


The knowledge and skills set forth in the personal financial literacy standards cross all grade levels and disciplines. A comprehensive, developmentally appropriate pre-kindergarten through grade 12 program can promote personal financial literacy throughout numerous curricular areas. Adopting these standards is voluntary, not mandatory. Districts may use the academic standards as guides for developing local grade-by-grade level curriculum.

Personal Finance Standards in Career and Technical Education (CTE), Family and Consumer Sciences


Both Family and Consumer Sciences courses, Consumer Economics and Personal and Family Finance, have stand-alone personal financial literacy standards.

Personal Finance Embedded in Social Studies or Economics Standards


While there are no specific standards embedded within the social studies curriculum, the financial literacy standards lend themselves to be implemented in any course. They are not, however, required to be implemented.

Personal Finance or Financial Literacy Course Required for Graduation or Required to be Offered


While there are no specific standards embedded within the mathematics curriculum, the financial literacy standards lend themselves to be implemented in any course. They are not, however, required to be implemented.

Personal Finance or Financial Literacy Course Required for Graduation or Required to be Offered


Standards are available for school districts to use, but they are not required to be taught for graduation.

State Assessment of Personal Finance Required
