Somewhat Comprehensive |
South Dakota |
State-by-State Assessment of Personal Finance Education Standards | |
State Department of Education Link | |
Stand-Alone Personal Finance Standards | Yes South Dakota has stand-alone standards for personal financial literacy. Students are required to earn .5 credits of either personal financial literacy or economics for graduation. There are minimal financial literacy standards in the economics curriculum. |
Personal Finance Standards in Career and Technical Education (CTE), Family and Consumer Sciences | Family and Consumer Sciences offers a personal finance course as well as a consumer affairs course, which has some personal finance standards. |
Personal Finance Embedded in Social Studies or Economics Standards | There are minimal standards for personal financial literacy found within the social studies curriculum. |
Personal Finance or Financial Literacy Course Required for Graduation or Required to be Offered | No |
Personal Finance or Financial Literacy Course Required for Graduation or Required to be Offered | No Students are required to earn .5 credits of either personal financial literacy or economics for graduation. There are minimal financial literacy standards in the economics curriculum. |
State Assessment of Personal Finance Required | No |