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State-by-State Assessment of Personal Finance Education Standards
State Department of Education Link
Stand-Alone Personal Finance Standards


Oklahoma has fourteen standards that make up the personal financial literacy curriculum. There is not a specific course in which students will receive instruction on these standards. The requirements for a personal financial literacy passport shall be satisfactory completion in all 14 areas of instruction in personal financial literacy during grades seven through twelve. The local district determines what the minimum criteria are for a student to demonstrate “satisfactory knowledge level.” The state department has free curriculum for all school districts to utilize to teach the 14 standards.

Personal Finance Standards in Career and Technical Education (CTE), Family and Consumer Sciences


Family and Consumer Sciences offers a course entitled, Personal Financial Literacy, which meets all 14 standards required by the state department. Students who complete this course must also take an End-of-Instruction Exam. Passing benchmark is 70%.

Personal Finance Embedded in Social Studies or Economics Standards


There are not specific standards embedded within the social studies curriculum. Some school districts embed the 14 personal financial literacy standards within middle school or high school social studies curriculum to ensure that students met their financial literacy passport requirements.

Personal Finance or Financial Literacy Course Required for Graduation or Required to be Offered


There is a mathematics of finance course which can be taken for a math credit. It has the personal financial literacy standards embedded within the coursework. Math of Finance is offered to students grades 9-12, for math credit and it does meet the financial literacy requirement.

Personal Finance or Financial Literacy Course Required for Graduation or Required to be Offered


There is no specific course required to receive the 14 standards in financial literacy. The law, Passport to Financial Literacy Act of 2007 (70 O.S. § 11-103.6h), requires each student to take and demonstrate a “satisfactory knowledge level” of each of the 14 Areas of Instruction for personal financial literacy in order to gain their Passport to Financial Literacy, which is required “in order to graduate from an public high school accredited by the State Board of Education with a standard diploma.” The student can meet this graduation requirement anytime between grades 7-12, depending on the district’s scope and sequence for personal financial literacy.

State Assessment of Personal Finance Required


Basic competency is defined as demonstration of knowledge of personal financial literacy in each of the 14 areas of instruction. The local district determines what the minimum criteria are for a student to demonstrate “satisfactory knowledge level.” This should be represented by a letter grade and/or percent. If a student takes the online secure assessment(s) developed by the State Department of Education, satisfactory knowledge level has been set at 70 percent.