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New York |
State-by-State Assessment of Personal Finance Education Standards | |
State Department of Education Link | |
Stand-Alone Personal Finance Standards | Yes Standards for personal financial literacy are found in the Career and Financial Management course required for all CareerTech Education majors. Students are required to have a pathway and major throughout high school. This guides their course choices throughout grades 9-12. |
Personal Finance Standards in Career and Technical Education (CTE), Family and Consumer Sciences | Yes Standards are embedded within Independent Living course of Family and Consumer Sciences. There are also standards at the middle school level as well. New York utilizes the National Family and Consumer Sciences standards. Certified Family and Consumer Sciences educators may also teach the Career and Financial Management course required for Career and Technical Education (CTE) majors. |
Personal Finance Embedded in Social Studies or Economics Standards | Yes There are some personal financial literacy standards embedded within the economics curriculum for students in grade 12. This course is required to graduate. |
Personal Finance or Financial Literacy Course Required for Graduation or Required to be Offered | No |
Personal Finance or Financial Literacy Course Required for Graduation or Required to be Offered | Yes Financial literacy is required if students are a CTE major. Otherwise they will only get the standards that are embedded within the economics course. |
State Assessment of Personal Finance Required | No |