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State-by-State Assessment of Personal Finance Education Standards
State Department of Education Link
Stand-Alone Personal Finance Standards


Iowa passed a set of 21st century standards for financial literacy. These standards are mandated for all students, grades kindergarten through 12th grade.

Personal Finance Standards in Career and Technical Education (CTE), Family and Consumer Sciences


Financial literacy can be taught in a family and consumer sciences course, but there are not specific FCS standards.

Personal Finance Embedded in Social Studies or Economics Standards


Per the legislation in SF2415, one half unit or semester of social studies may be awarded using any of the SCED codes/courses found in the attachment below even if the course is not being taught by a Social Studies endorsed teacher.

Personal Finance or Financial Literacy Course Required for Graduation or Required to be Offered


The financial literacy standards may be embedded in specific math courses outlined in the table attached.

Personal Finance or Financial Literacy Course Required for Graduation or Required to be Offered


In the 2019 legislative session, Governor Reynolds signed SF139 into law that changes the implementation date of SF2415 to the graduating class of 2020-2021. There is no stipulation for when the student takes the course, only that it is a 9-12 grade requirement for graduation.

State Assessment of Personal Finance Required
